
W 09/07: Stiglitz, “The Anatomy of a Murder: Who Killed America’s Economy?”

M 09/12: Fletcher, “The Famous (and Almost Never Understood) Theory of Comparative Advantage

W 09/14: Vernon, “International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle”

M 09/19: Kurth, “The Political Consequences of the Product Cycle"

W 09/21: Selection from Trubowitz, Defining the National Interest

M 09/26: James, “Is Liberalization Reversible?

W 09/28: Selection from Greico & Ikenberry, State Power and World Markets

M 10/03: Grant, "How to Make the Dollar Sound Again"
M 10/03: Wolf, "Could the World Go Back to the Gold Standard?"

M 10/10: Gilpin, “Review: The Political Economy of the Multinational Corporation”
M 10/10: Coase, “The Nature of the Firm”

W 10/12: Ross, “A Closer Look at Oil, Diamonds and Civil War”

M 10/17: Krugman, “Cycles of Conventional Wisdom on Economic Development"

W 10/19: Boughton, “Globalization and the Silent Revolution of the 1980s

M 10/24: Kapur, “The IMF: A Cure or A Curse?”

W 10/26: Cohen, “Balance-of-Payments Financing: Evolution of a Regime”

M 10/31: Selection from Axelrod, The Evolution of Cooperation
M 10/31: Cohen, “Phoenix Risen: The Resurrection of Global Finance”

W 11/02: Selection from Marx, Wage Labour and Capital
W 11/02: Eichengreen & Bordo, “Crises Now and Then”

M 11/07: Selection from Rosecrantz, Rise of the Trading State

W 11/09: Lindblom, “The Market as Prison”

W 11/16: Selection from Moore, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy
W 11/16: Selection from Sen, Development as Freedom
W 11/16: Oneal & Russett, "The Kantian Peace"

M 11/28: Selection from Heath & Heath, Made to Stick

W 11/30: Hardin, “The Tragedy of the Commons”
W 11/30: Simon, “More People, Greater Wealth”

M 12/05: Kahneman, Selection from Thinking Fast and Slow