W 08/31: Introduction
W 09/07: Active Reading
W 09/14: The Virtuous Cycle of Trade and Capital
W 09/14: Bloom's Taxonomy*
*More on Bloom's Taxonomy
M 09/19: Tips for Writing Responses
W 09/21: Contracts, Markets and the State
W 09/21: Interests of Comparative Advantage Holders
W 09/21: Cycles of Openness and Protectionism
M 09/26: Select slides from Money & Credit lecture
W 09/28: Recessionary Cycle
W 09/28: The Fixed Exchange Rate Dilemma
M 10/03: The Unholy Trinity / Mundell-Flemming Theorem
W 10/05: Geographical Distribution of Political Influence, US ca. 1900 (Interactive)
M 10/17: Keynesian Cycles of Contraction and Expansion
M 10/24: Postwar World Splits into Three Political Economies
W 11/02: Theories on Market Failures
M 11/07: Interdependence
W 11/16: Levels of Democracy Worldwide
W 11/16: Conflict as a Function of Democracy
W 11/16: Conflict as a Function of Trade
W 11/16: Democracy Atlas and Histogram
W 11/30: Review Sheet for Comprehensive Assessment